Friday, September 7, 2018

How to find out if you are at risk of prostate cancer

How to find out if you are at risk of prostate cancer

What’s prostate cancer?

Prostate cancer is a serious disease that affects thousands of men each year who are middle-aged or older. Most prostate cancers occur in men older than age 65.

Prostate cancer causes and risk factors:

There’s no known cause for prostate cancer. Like all cancers, it could be caused by many things, including a family history or exposure to certain chemicals.

Whatever the instigating factor is, it leads to cell mutations and uncontrolled cell growth in the prostate.

The following factors may raise a man’s risk of developing prostate cancer:

- Age

- Race/ethnicity

- Family history

Friday, August 31, 2018

Myths and Facts About Back Pain Explained in Pictures

Myths and Facts About Back Pain Explained in Pictures

Back pain is one of the most common, and worst, pains we have to deal with as we get older. But it doesn't only affect the mature, it can happen at any age, any place and any time, for various reasons. Many people with back pain don’t manage it well because of wrong advice and a lot of unhelpful myths about what back pain is and what you should do about it. Healthcare professionals all over the world speak to patients who think, for example, that back pain can damage their backs. This is not always the case. As a common problem, many people will suggest many solutions, so it's good to know in advance which are real and which are just rumors.

The weight of evidence shows that many assumptions made about lower back pain are wrong and, what’s more, could be harmful. Below are some of the most common misconceptions.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

5 warning signs of bowel cancer that you should look out for

5 warning signs of bowel cancer that you should look out for

Bowel cancer, also known as colon cancer or colorectal cancer, is the fourth most common form of the disease, after breast, prostate and lung cancers.

What are the red-flag signs of bowel cancer?

The five red-flag symptoms of bowel cancer include:

* bleeding from the back passage, or blood in your poo

* a change in your normal toilet habits - going more frequently for example

* pain or a lump in your tummy

* extreme tiredness

* losing weight

Bowel cancer symptoms can be subtle, but also reasonably common. Most people with them do not have the condition.

You’re more at risk of developing the condition if you drink a lot of alcohol regularly, are obese, or older than 60.

If you suspect that something is up, make sure to talk to a medical professional about it.

For more information on bowel cancer, you can visit our facebook page.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Johnson & Johnson Ordered to Pay $4 69 Billion in Cancer Case

Johnson & Johnson Ordered to Pay $4.69 Billion in Cancer Case:

This is the sixth-largest product-defect award in U.S. history. A US court has ordered the Johnson & Johnson cosmetics firm to pay out $4.69 billion in damages to women who claim using their talc gave them cancer. The firm denies the women's claims that the talc contains asbestos. According to the victims' lawyer, Mark Lanier, a jury composed of six men and six women in St Louis, Missouri, ruled in favour of the women after a six-week trial and eight hours of deliberation. The damages include $550 million in compensation and over $4.1 billion (about R54.6 billion) in punitive damages.

The Virginia woman says she developed ovarian cancer after using J & J's talc based products over four decades. The firm is facing around 2,400 pending lawsuits from customers who claim it did not adequately warn them about it…

Johnson & Johnson Talc Powder Cancer Case

Friday, July 20, 2018

Common Signs and Symptoms Of Liver Cancer

Common Signs and Symptoms Of Liver Cancer

Liver cancer (Hepatocellular Carcinoma) is a type of cancer that starts in the liver. Some cancers develop outside the liver and spread to the area. However, only cancers that start in the liver are described as liver cancer.

LIVER cancer, especially in the early stages, can be symptomless, but there can be some visible #signs which suggest a person is suffering with the disease.

LIVER cancer symptoms often don't appear until the disease has advanced. They are also commonly associated with less serious health conditions, but nonetheless it is important to get them checked out. There are 13 Signs and Symptoms you should watch for.

Make an appointment with your doctor if you experience any signs or symptoms that worry you.

Friday, July 6, 2018

cancer statistics in united states

cancer statistics in united states

Cancer has a major impact on society in the United States and across the world. Cancer statistics describe what happens in large groups of people and provide a picture in time of the burden of cancer on society. Statistics tell us things such as how many people are diagnosed with and die from cancer each year, the number of people who are currently living after a cancer diagnosis, the average age at diagnosis, and the numbers of people who are still alive at a given time after diagnosis.

The annual report provides a basis for individual states and researchers to describe the variability in cancer incidence and death rates across different populations and to focus on certain populations for evidence-based cancer control programs.

They also tell us about differences among groups defined by age, sex, racial/ethnic group, geographic location, and other categories.

source: United States Cancer Statistics

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Warning Signs of Bowel Cancer to Watch Out For

Warning Signs of Bowel Cancer to Watch Out For

Bowel cancer, also known as colon cancer or colorectal cancer, is the fourth most common form of the disease in the world, after breast, prostate and lung cancers.

Bowel cancer is very treatable but the earlier it is diagnosed, the easier it is to treat. People whose cancer is diagnosed at an early stage have a much higher chance of successful treatment than those whose cancer has become more widespread.

BOWEL cancer symptoms include extreme tiredness for no obvious reason and unexplained weight loss. You should watch out for these three key warning signs of the condition.

If you have any symptoms, don’t be embarrassed and don’t ignore them. Doctors are used to seeing lots of people with bowel problems.

Here are the Warning #Signs of #Bowel #Cancer to Watch Out For:

Friday, June 15, 2018

12 Signs and Symptoms of Liver Cancer

12 Signs and Symptoms of Liver Cancer

Like many types of cancer, liver cancer symptoms often do not appear in the early stages. As a result, liver cancer tends to be diagnosed at a more advanced stage.

LIVER cancer symptoms often do not appear until the disease has advanced. They are also are commonly associated with less serious health conditions, but nonetheless it is important to get them checked. Symptoms vary from person to person as well, so determining an exact list of symptoms to look for is tricky. These are the 12 signs to watch for, including pain in your abdomen.

The Signs and Symptoms of Liver Cancer are as follows:

  • Jaundice
  • Abdominal pain
  • Weight loss
  • Abdominal swelling
  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Anemia
  • Back pain
  • Itching
  • Fever
  • A mass in the abdomen

Friday, June 8, 2018

13 Signs of Cancer Men Are Likely to Ignore

13 Signs of Cancer Men Are Likely to Ignore:

You eat pretty well (some days) and get regular exercise (most days). But if you’re like a lot of men, a trip to the doctor isn't on your to-do list. That can be bad if it means you brush off early signs of cancer.

One of the best ways to fight the disease is to catch it in the early stages, when it’s more treatable. The problem is that the warning signs for many kinds of cancer can seem pretty mild.

Take a look at these 13 signs and symptoms Men Are Likely to Ignore. Some are linked more strongly to cancer than others, but all are worth knowing about and even talking over with your doctor.

Difficulty Urinating

Testicular Changes

Noticeable Skin Changes

Sores or Pain in Your Mouth

Chronic Coughing

Blood in Your Stool

Stomach Pain or Nausea

Frequent Fevers or Infections

Difficulty Swallowing

Excessive Bruising

Unexplained Weight Loss

Persistent Fatigue

Chronic Headaches

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Symptoms of Bowel Cancer To Be Aware Of: Are you at risk?

Symptoms of Bowel Cancer To Be Aware Of: Are you at risk?

5 Alarming Signs And Symptoms Of Bowel Cancer:

Bowel cancer means cancer that starts in the colon (large bowel) or back passage (rectum). It is also known as colorectal cancer. Bowel cancer is sometimes called colon or rectal cancer.

BOWEL cancer symptoms can be subtle but, as one of the most common types of cancer diagnosed in the world, it is important to recognise all the signs. If you have any symptoms, don’t be embarrassed and don’t ignore them. Doctors are used to seeing lots of people with bowel problems. Most people with these symptoms don’t have bowel cancer. Other health problems can cause similar symptoms. But if you have one or more of these, or if things just don’t feel right, go to see your GP.

#Cancer #Symptoms #CancerSurvivors #Signs #Prevent #CancerTreatment #Screening #Detection #CancerCaregiver

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

11 Symptoms Of Cancer In Dogs

11 Symptoms Of Cancer In Dogs

11 Warning Signs of Cancer in Dogs That Every Owner Should Know:

It's one of those unimaginably horrible things that we like to ignore exist, but dog cancer is very real and can strike any family at any time. However, if we keep our eyes open for the signs of dog cancer, we can catch it early, take our dog to the vet for treatment and greatly increase their chances of survival. The key is knowing what those signs and symptoms are.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

WARNING SIGNS Make sure you know what to look out for when it comes to vulva cancer

WARNING SIGNS Make sure you know what to look out for when it comes to vulva cancer

Vulval cancer affects the outer area of a woman’s genitals including the lips (labia minora and labia majora), the clitoris and the Bartholin's glands.

Women with vulvar cancer may experience many symptoms or signs. Sometimes, women with vulvar cancer do not have any of these changes. Or, the cause of a symptom may be a different medical condition that is not cancer. Make sure you know what to look out for when it comes to vulva cancer.

Older women are the most at risk of vulva cancer, as 80% of the cases are diagnosed in ladies over the age of 60. The pre-cancerous form of the condition – called vulva intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN) – is often diagnosed in younger women between the ages of 30 and 50.

Monday, May 21, 2018

7 Signs and Symptoms of Anal Cancer

WARNING Know These 7 Early Signs of Anal Cancer Before It's Too Late: Signs and Symptoms

Anal cancer is an uncommon malignancy that starts in the anus the opening at the end of the rectum.

Anal cancer is an uncommon type of cancer that occurs in the anal canal. The anal canal is a short tube at the end of your rectum through which stool leaves your body.

Sometimes anal cancer causes no symptoms at all. But bleeding is often the first sign of the disease. The bleeding is usually minor. At first, most people assume the bleeding is caused by hemorrhoids (painful, swollen veins in the anus and rectum that may bleed). They are a benign and fairly common cause of rectal bleeding. Anal cancer can cause signs and symptoms such as rectal bleeding and anal pain.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

5 Things a Dog Might Do If They Have Cancer

5 Things a Dog Might Do If They Have Cancer

Many cancer symptoms in dogs are subtle and can be caused by another condition, but if you notice any of the following potential Canine Cancer warning signs, it's a good idea to talk to your vet.

watch the video to learn about possible symptoms of cancer in dogs.

It is notoriously difficult to detect cancer early in pets. Get the facts about early detection, treatment and more.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Warning Signs and Symptoms of Vulvar Cancer! Do Not Ignore Them! It My B...

Warning Signs and Symptoms of Vulvar Cancer! Do Not Ignore Them! It My Be Fatal!

Vulvar cancer is a cancer of the vulva, or a female’s external genitals. The vulva includes the inner and outer lips of the vagina, the clitoris, and the opening of the vagina, which is called the introitus. Glands near the vaginal opening are also part of the vulva. Vulvar cancer typically affects the outer lips of the vagina, but other parts of the vulva may also be affected, especially as the cancer enlarges.

In its early stages, vulvar cancer may not cause any symptoms. Here are the top eight most common symptoms of vulva cancer:

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Everything You Need To Know About Sunscreen

Everything You Need To Know About Sunscreen!

A visit to the sunscreen aisle can be a daunting experience, not to mention all of the terms that parents need to know in order to choose the best project protecting their kids’ skin from the damaging summer sun.

Monday, May 14, 2018

MAKE sure you know the symptoms of this little known disease

MAKE sure you know the symptoms of this little known disease

Vulvar cancer is a type of cancer that occurs on the outer surface area of the female genitalia. If you are uncomfortable with discussing genitalia, you should backspace now before it becomes too late and we say something that offends you.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

6 Early Warning Signs Of Anal Cancer Everyone Is Too Embarrassed To Talk...

6 Early Warning Signs Of Anal Cancer Everyone Is Too Embarrassed To Talk About

One of the most aggressive types of cancer, if not detected in its early phase is surely the anal cancer. All around the world in many population this is still a taboo. This is surely one of the biggest reason why this type of cancer is usually overlooked.

It’s extremely important to be able to identify anal cancer during its earliest stage. This is very difficult since some of the symptoms are very hard to present. Still, make sure you are careful about these symptoms on the following video.

Cancer is one the most common diseases in the world. Protect yourself by knowing the symptoms to look out for.

This Chanel discusses about the Symptoms & Warning Signs Of Cancer Everyone Should Know About. by knowing the signs and symptoms we can watch to avoid the illnesses that strike us, because preventing is better than cure.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

12 Things Should Should Not To Say To Someone Who Has Cancer

12 Things Should  Should Not To Say To Someone Who Has Cancer

First off, you’re an awesome person. You’re reading this because someone you know is touched by cancer and you want to know how to avoid hackneyed phrases and suggestions which tick them off. As a person who recently finished treatment for cancer (Hodgkins Lymphoma) and a physician, I’m happy to take you through a brief tour of 12 things not to say.

Even with the best of intentions, the cleverest people say the dumbest things around those who have cancer or any other life-threatening disease. There’s an art to helping rather than hindering sick people on their path towards getting better – or not as the case may be.  All it takes is a more thinking and less speaking.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

6 Concerning Symptoms Of Ovarian Cysts Women Of All Ages Need To Know About

6 Concerning Symptoms Of Ovarian Cysts Women Of All Ages Need To Know About

Cancer is one the most common diseases in the world. Protect yourself by knowing the symptoms to look out for.

This Chanel discusses about the Symptoms & Warning Signs Of Cancer Everyone Should Know About. by knowing the signs and symptoms we can watch to avoid the illnesses that strike us, because preventing is better than cure.

Ovarian cysts are more common than you think...but do you know how to recognize the signs?

Here are the 6 Concerning Symptoms Of Ovarian Cysts Women Of All Ages Need To Know About:

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Monday, May 7, 2018

Actor Hugh Jackman has sixth skin cancer removed from his nose

Actor Hugh Jackman has had his sixth skin cancer removed and warned fans of the dangers of unprotected sun exposure:

Looks worse with the dressing on! Hugh Jackman issues another skin cancer warning after having a SIXTH basal cell carcinoma cut from his nose.